Serendipity Pink Proudly Presents...
[Audio Faire!]

(Formerly Known as Li'l Washu's LOUD!! Page &
formerly found at

[Song Lyrics]
[My Sounds]
Well, as you can see, Geocities is a horrid company. Do you want to know how bad it is? I would tell you, but chances are you already know. Anyway, due to the thousands of problems I have had with geocities, the worst and most overrated company out there, I am rapidly moving pages I once housed there.
Anyway, because of problems with geoshities, my old audio faire has become a spider site and can no longer be updated. Look for everything here now, all right?
Oh yeah, because of Xoom's new policy to only allow people with a highish version of explorer view their pages, I had to move yet again.
Do you have a wav or midi you really like? Or a song you'd like to request? Mail it to me (seifert/at/mosquitonet/dot/com), maybe I'll add it on here. ~_~ Please inform me if any of these wavs or midis are at all coruppted so that I can (hopefully) fix the problem, if there is one. However, since I have listened to all of these, chances are there is just something wrong with the connection. Try saving the sound onto your computer and then opening it up. Thanks a bunch. [Oh, by the by, none of these sounds, songs or music were originally mine and they are all property of their respectful owners, not me! They still retain the copyrights of their owners and creators... If I have anything here that's illegal, please tell me and I'll remove it immediatly. 'Serendipity Pink' and the 'Serendipity Pink' logos & charicatures are Copyrights (c) of Sarah Seifert, 1998-1999.]

    Here's the list & description of booths at the faire right now:
  • Sounds Updated!
  • Music Updated! *TONS* of new midis and midi collections!
  • Songs! Updated! Now (slowly) adding on lyrics to j-pop songs! Yess! They're up and running, ahead of scheduale, at that! ~=~
  • My Sounds Now that I've gotten my microphone back (yay!) I can record sounds again. I've really improved my technique, expect newer, clearer and cooler sounds soon.
  • Links New! Contains links to other pages with mp3s, midis, sounds, etc., and maybe later some places to buy J-pop and anime soundtracks. Huzzah!
  • Disclaimer New! a disclaimer!! ~_~;; Don't sue me, okay?

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This Page created 6-9-98
Moved here 2-20-99
Last update: 3-25-99, 8 pm-ish Alaskan time

Since 2-21