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"William, move your head! Lookit the size of that boys head!" "Shh" "I'm not kiddin', it's like an orange on a toothpick!" "Shh, you're gonna give the boy a complex!" "Well that's a huge noggin! That's a vertual planetoid!" "Shh!" "Has it's own weather system!" "Shh shh shh!" "Head! Move!" -Stewart (Mike Myers) and the cop
"I like the night life. I like to boogie." -Charlie (Mike Myers)
"Eeevill, like it is the fru-its of the de-veeeell. Eeeevill." -Charlie (Mike Myers)
"Oh, I hated the colonal, with his wee, beady eye and that smug look on his face 'Oh, you're gonna' buy my chicken!! Oooooooh!'" - Stewart (Mike Myers)
"Harriet?" "Mm?" "Marry me." "No." "...please?" -Charlie (Mike Myers) and Harriet (Nancy Travis)
"Two words: therapy." -The cop
"This Poem Sucks" -the poem Charlie (mike) scat sings to Harriet
"What DO you do here?" "I look at breasts! Yeah, and I'm a detective! But, mainly the breast thing." -Duckman and ?
"Joe, care for some coffee?" "Oi neva' touch caffiene!" "Good, there's only one pot! *GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG!*" -Duckman and the guy from the addiction self help centre thingie
"That felt pretty f*beeeep*in' good!" -Bernice
"Karaoke: Japan's cruelest invention since Hari-Kari!" -Duckman
*crunch* "Ow! My face! You hurt my li'l face! Oh, it hurts so bad!..." -Duckman
"For years, you've mocked me, well I don't have to take your crap! Those putdowns, and insults, well I don't have to take your crap! You lazy oaf, you stupid dope, I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE YOUR CRAP!!!!" "Yaaay! Whoohoohoo!" -Bernice beating Duckman up, then the crowd starts cheering. (I'd have to say this one's my favorite. By far. Dunno why. ~_~)
"Aversion Therapy: by associating pain with a Specific pleasure, you'll be conditioned not to do it again." "I doubt it! He's so damn cute!" -cornfed and one of the senators in the support group
"The human body is mostly not for eating." -Ajax
"It must be inordinatly taxing to be such a boob." "You have no idea." -Pinky & the Brain
"Do you have any idea why we've been camping out in this wretched wall?" "To aquire a dank and musty smell?" "Pinky, you have the reasoning skills of a burlap sack." -Pinky & the Brain
"We are witnessing the birth of a powerful new art form!" "*gasp* Is it decopage? Narf! I *love* decopage!" Pinky & the Brain
"El Narfo!" -Pinky
"Can I have your little bag of complimentary peanuts, Brain?" *heh.* "Your anacronistic jest amuses me, Pinkus." -Pinky & the Brain
"That oughta keep the little squirts happy." -The Brain
"And now another -" *CRASH* "-useless fact." -Yakko
*gasp* "Boom baby, boom! I'm the evil midnight bomber what bombs at midnight!!" -The Evil Midnight Bomber (duh-huh) from the Tick
"You're watching fox. Shame on you." - A commercial break from the Critic, preformed by the Jay Sherman.
"Don't look at me like I'm frickin' frankinstein, come give your father a hug!" -Mike Myers, (as the bad guy from Austin Powers)
"Your mother was a lizard!" -Raoul (one of the brownies) from Willow
"You may not touch my monkey." -Mike Myers, Saturday Night Live
"Jee, I hope this won't lower your opinion of me."- Daria (from Daria)
[Third rock sting] "When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles and the bottle's in a poodle and the poodle's eating noodles; they call this a muddle puddle treedle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle. This man is a genius."- Dick from Third rock from the Sun
"A spoonful of sugar, helps the medicine go do-o-o-wn!" "Not if you're diabetic." -Jane and ?, from Daria
"I don't like kids. Even when I was a kid I didn't like kids." -Daria from Daria
Ryoko and More ryoko two clips from the First episode of Tenchi Muyo!
"We interrupt this program to annoy you and make things generally irritating for you." -Eric Idle, Monty Python's Flying Circus
"Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." -Westly, The Princes Bride
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