Hallo. Here are songs from various anime series for your singing pleasure. Please don't steal the images or song lyrics off of these pages.
More will come soon, please tell me what you think of my page. Click here to go back home, or here to go back to the Midway. Thanks for coming, see ya' later. ~Serendipity Pink/Li'l Washu*
Nothing here is endorsed of sponsered by Central Park Media, Pionner, Or A.I.C. All images, graphic representations, characters, related names of charecters, song lyrics, series titles and episode names are copyrighted and hold the original copyrights of their owners. All images, character names, etc. owned by A.I.C. and Pioneer are copyrights of those companies and are used here with permission. I do not own the copyrights to any of these songs.
'Serendipity Pink' and the 'Serendipity Pink' logos & Characatures are Copyrights (c) of Sarah Seifert, 1998-1999